Thursday, 16 January 2025

Nose Hair

What may seem like a known fact apparently needs some reiterating once in a while: men should clip any hairs that grow out of their nose and ears. Of course this does not apply to men who are, like, 16 years old, but as age progresses, so do those hairs that are meant to grow out of sight. It’s just gross. Clipping the invariably black and spiky hairs with a pair of rounded scissors obviously does the trick, provided a good mirror and proper lighting are available.

But of course several producers of electronic goods have been looking into making the clipping process easier and have produced machinery that takes care of nose and ear holes. When in doubt about which machine to go for, use that trusty rule of selecting neither the cheapest nor the most expensive device on the shelves at John Lewis, BHV, Macy’s or similar general department stores. But a quick test shows that the Remington NE-320C’s part that goes into the nose or ear has a rather off-putting design that calls to mind one of those electronic spark gas-stove lighters. The Philips NT9110 thingy meanwhile has a head that looks like a mix between a mini comb and an electric toothbrush and feels much nicer in nose and ears. They both retail for around €10 to €15, so that can’t be the deal-breaker.

From Fantastic Man n° 13 — 2011