Friday, 17 January 2025


The American public figure John Malkovich, who works as an actor, film director and fashion designer, believes that the most gorgeous and enjoyable beaches on earth can be found on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, east of the Virgin Islands and just north of Saint Martin. “There are some terrific restaurants on Anguilla, but otherwise it’s kind of flat and there isn’t much happening, which I like,” says John, who goes there regularly with his wife and children. “I just bring a lot of books to the beach, even though I always end up not reading much.” The last book he remembers absorbing on the beach is ‘The Third Reich’ by the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño. “Don’t worry,” he assures, “it isn’t about the Third Reich at all. It’s about this German couple on the Costa Brava and it all befalls from there.”

For his ideal beach wardrobe the inimitable Mr. Malkovich recommends a pair of voluminous, Japanese fisherman’s pants. “I also pretty much always bring a long-sleeved shirt to the beach, as it’s so easy to get burned up there,” he says. Since Malkovich has been quietly but steadily active in the men’s fashion world for over a decade now, first with his label Uncle Kimono and now with a line he has charmingly titled Technobohemian, he’s in the luxurious position to wear only his own designs. “Also because I don’t like shopping. I very rarely go out and buy clothes for myself.”

Finally, the actor, director and designer suggests his own take on a refreshing beach beverage. “Half regular Coca-Cola and half soda water. It’s a great mix, because Coca-Cola on its own is too thick and too sweet, and I can’t stand that saccharine diet stuff, so drinking Coca-Cola with soda is perfect. I should have patented it,” he says. “I would be so wealthy now!”

From Fantastic Man n° 17 — 2013